
QUICK FIRE 10 with Daniel Warwick

​“Stop walking around the pool sticking your toe in, jump in!”

​“Stop walking around the pool sticking your toe in, jump in!”

I had a few questions to ask Daniel Warwick, managing director of the Singapore office and he shared some great insight into what has kept him in the recruitment industry and advice on overcoming daily challenges.

1. How did you get into recruitment?

I was working in a temporary role for a telecommunications company where I was targeted to do 15 closures per week. I was doing 30 but for no financial gain so I wanted to find a role that would combine exceeding targets and my university background of technology with commission. I saw an advert for trainee recruitment consultant and the rest is history.

2. What is your advice for someone just getting into recruitment?

Be consistent and regular in all the small aspects of the job. Doing the finer details of this role which may seem basic are the foundations to a successful career.

3. What is it about recruitment that has kept you in the industry? 

It may sound a little cheesy but it’s seeing people grow and be enriched in their career. Whether that’s a candidate that has been placed, a client who you have assisted or more importantly the people that you work with. We work in a people focussed industry, so it always has to be about them.

4. What is your proudest moment in your career to date?

Being given the opportunity to manage and grow the Singapore business. I work and have worked with an amazing group of talented individuals who collectively have made the Singapore business the force that it is in the Singapore market. Looking at how this office has grown, the reputation of the company, and watching individuals move through the ranks puts a smile on my face on a daily basis.

5. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your career so far and how have you overcome that?

I think it is very difficult for me to say that one challenge has been the biggest. In your career you are always going to face challenges and at the time they can feel huge to you but may be small to others, we are all different in what we class as a challenge. The important factor is to not lose sight of your goals, have confidence and belief in yourself, enjoy the small wins and know that although it may be tough today you are one step closer to overcoming that challenge tomorrow.

6. What’s the best career advice you’ve ever been given?

“Stop walking around the pool sticking your toe in, jump in!” In recruitment it is very easy to over analyse what we are doing. The foundations are very simple but there can always be a fear of doing something that we may not be comfortable with. Each day we have to challenge ourselves, put ourselves outside our comfort zone and instead of finding the water to be cold, we just need to jump in and see what the results would be. It’s never as bad as it appears.

7. What are you driven by and how do you stay motivated?

First and foremost is my family. I am doing this for my wife and my three daughters. On a professional level I want to be part of, along with my colleagues, building what can be recognised as the premier recruitment business in the Singapore market.

8. What do you think you would have been had you not gone into recruitment?

Are there other careers outside of recruitment? I really don’t know; I’ve been in the industry for 21 years, so I don’t really know anything else. If I had to pick something, then I would love to have owned my own bar/restaurant.

9. How do you keep a work/life balance?

This is only something that I have really been able to work out over the past couple of years. Focussing on what I can make a difference on in the office, making sure I have time for my family and making sure I have time for myself have been the three key factors. Not overthinking or worrying about things out of my control has enabled me to find the balance on the three above factors.

10. People would be surprised if they knew?

I used to be a Bingo Manager.

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