4 health benefits of kindness
Mental Health Awareness Week
Helping others feel good
Studies have found that acts of kindness are linked to increased feelings of well-being.
Helping others can also improve our support networks and encourage us to be more active. This in turn, can improve our self-esteem. There is some evidence to suggest that when we help others, it can promote changes in the brain that are linked with happiness.
It helps keep things in perspective
There is some evidence that being aware of our own acts of kindness, as well as the things we are grateful for, can increase feelings of happiness, optimism, and satisfaction.
Doing good may help you to have a more positive outlook about your own circumstances.
One act of kindness can often lead to more
Acts of kindness have the potential to make the world a happier place. An act of kindness can boost feelings of confidence, being in control, happiness, and optimism.
They may also encourage others to repeat the good deeds they have experienced themselves.
The more you do for others, the more you do for yourself
The benefits of helping others can last long after the act itself, for those offering kindness and those who benefit. This, in turn, can improve our self-esteem.