
Warning: work-life balance under serious threat

Some may argue that being able to balance your recruitment career, lifestyle, hobbies and ‘you’ time is a myth.

Let’s be honest, recruitment life can be hard. It is even harder for those who try to do it all at once: juggling your day to day role whilst maintaining your lifestyle. How can balance be achieved in an industry that demands so much time, emotional energy and sheer hard work?

Here are 3 ways to avoid burnout. 


1.      Doing nothing….sometimes

You may of heard of the Dutch concept of ‘niksen’. We are all guilty of underestimating the power of rest and the Dutch have a solution for that: do nothing. That’s right – do absolutely nothing.

When asked on a Friday afternoon by your colleagues: ‘What are you up to this weekend?’ we often respond with a list of events and a to-do list for our two days off that can leave you feeling continuously switched on without time to decompress.

The Dutch concept of ‘niksen’, means making down time a priority. Not only to be happier and healthier, but the best ideas can come from when we clear our minds and let creativity work its magic. If you don’t make time to clear your head and switch off from work, how can you expect to have energy and drive to perform to your best when Monday comes around?


2.      Expect the expected

The best way to manage balance is  to anticipate when those stress levels climbing. What else can you do when you feel the scales in your life tipping the wrong way?

  • Give yourself small boosts of recognition each day. Adopt ways that you can quickly reset your focus and realign with what drives you.

  • It is important to recognise that you cannot stay on high alert all day, every day and that time to recuperate or have some down time is vital.

  • Don’t focus only on the negatives. Negative thoughts will drain your energy and if you spend a whole weekend focusing on what could have gone better during your week, that is the mood you will carry forward into the following week. Be accountable for your performance and aim to progress by focusing on some positives.


3.      Make balance a habit in your life

There is no shortage of material online, books and TED Talks to help you establish some down-time in your busy schedule. Like success in your exercise regime though, the key is creating discipline and routine to your balance.

In order to be the best version of ourselves, we really need to take the time to unwind.

How we utilise our down time is unique, and it will help you in being more proactive at work and feeling in control of your successes.

Recruitment is an industry that demands a lot from you 99% of the time, but that 1% of reward and success is 100% worth it.​