
Going Back to the Future

Over the past three weeks Eames has rolled outLightning; the latest release ofSalesforce across our offices in London and Asia.

Arguably one of the best recruitment CRM systems on the market,Salesforce has increased our productivity in revenue terms as well as speed of access to information. It provides us with a customisable and cloud-based platform to underpin our growth plans and more crucially, our sales strategy and has made Eames a slicker and more efficient place to work. 

Technology and data are driving the business world and we believe the recruitment industry is no exception. We’re embracing data and technology more than ever before to enable us to become even more immersed in our specialist markets. We’ve got ambitious plans for growth; but this will be contingent on strong systems and swift access to high quality information.

Salesforce is taking usBack to the Future.

Enhancing our market-leading platform

Driven and talented recruitment professionals can already expect to be supported by strong infrastructure at Eames.

Maximising the benefits ofSalesforcefrom the mobile app, to its speed and personalisation features will mean we're at the forefront of relationship-driven and innovative recruitment.

A common approach to how we manage our business relationships is critical as the business grows. We believe passionately that building relationships underpins our success. We’re embracingSalesforceto support our sales strategy.

Enable client and candidate engagement

Having launched a new corporate website on theVolcanicplatform in 2017 we have been committed to ensuring we deliver an outstanding user experience; be that to our candidates, clients or employees.  

We have always aimed to align to suppliers who not only share our passion for customer success but who also see the benefit in building strategic business partnerships. Working closely withVolcanicand the team atSalesforcewe’ve been able to build what we believe to be the strongest platform to enable and nurture client and candidate relationships.

I’ve encouraged the business to embraceSalesforcemuch like Marty and Doc and their trusty DeLorean. Drive it with all its intent, and with such opportunity at our fingertips, it’s hard not to be excited about the possibilities of what we can achieve. ​